
Terms & Condition

1) DONATELLA MEDEI, LANDLORD  and owner of the real estate units, born in Rome-Italy, on 08/04/1964, residing in Rome – Italy, in Lungotevere dei Mellini, n. 7, cod. fisc MDEDTL64M44H501Y, leases the real estate unit/s located in Rome, via Lombardia n. 14 staircase A apartment/s 10 and/or 10A, consisting of 2/4 bedrooms with private bathroom, 1/2 living-dining room/s with open kitchen/s, 1/2 service bathroom/s, furnished, with a maximum accommodation capacity of 6 (six) persons for each single unit or 10 (ten) persons in case of rental of the 2 (two) units simultaneously.

2) The Tenant accepts in the same state of fact and law in which it/they is/are, for tourist use only and with the exclusion of any other use, the real estate unit/s located in Rome, via Lombardia n. 14 staircase A interior/s 10 and/or 10A, consisting  of 2/4 bedrooms with private bathroom, 1/2 living-dining room/s with open kitchen/s, 1/2 service bathroom/s, furnished, with a maximum accommodation capacity of 6 (six) persons for each single unit or 10 (ten) persons in case of rental of the 2 (two) units simultaneously.

3) The Tenant agrees to benefit from the property/ies for residential use only for tourist purposes.

4) It is forbidden for the Tenant to sublet or to grant to third parties, even precariously and/or temporarily, the enjoyment of the property/ies, under penalty of termination ipso iure of the present contract.

5) The contract is agreed upon for the period booked on the web site, when it will cease without the need for cancellation.

6)The rent is agreed in EURO as per the tariffs listed in the web site for the entire duration of the contract; an advance payment as per the tariffs in the web site is due for the confirmation of the reservation made by the Tenant, failure to settle the advance payment will not confirm the reservation; the balance shall be settled, net of the advance payment, by and no later than the date set for the arrival of the Tenant and in any case before checking-in. The contract is valid as receipt for the same by the Landlord.

7) Failure, upon check-in, to deliver the contract signed by the Tenant will result in the cancellation of the reservation and will prevent the delivery of the real estate unit/s.

8) The payment method is with PayPal, bank transfer, credit card.

9) 100% refund of the advance paid if the Tenant decides to cancel within 14 (fourteen) days prior to the date of arrival, no refund is due in case of cancellation less than 14 (fourteen) days prior to the date of arrival.

10) Check-in time is set at 15:00h.

11) Check-out time is set at 11:00h.

12) A supplement of 30,00 Euro (Thirty/00 Euro) will be applied for check-in between 20:00h and 24:00h.

13) The non-tariff tourist tax of 5.00 Euro (Five-Euro-Zero-Cent) per night per person is due for a maximum of ten nights, excluding children under 10 (ten) years of age.

14) The Tenant declares: to have acknowledged, on the website,  the rules of the real estate unit/s referred to in the lease contract, to have found it/them suitable for the agreed use, and to take it/them over to all effects by collecting the keys, constituting him/herself custodian and responsible of the real estate unit/s.

15) The Tenant agrees to return the rented real estate unit/s in the same conditions in which he/she received it/them, except for the deterioration of use, under penalty of compensation for the damage.

16) The Landlord is not responsible, for any reason or cause, for any damage and/or shortage of any object and/or values ​​of the Tenant left by him/her in the house during or at the end of the contractual period.

17) The Landlord is entirely responsible for the utilities (electricity, water and gas), also the TARI and the condominium charges, as well as the change of bed linen and towels 2 (two) times a week and for the daily cleaning of the accommodation/s carried out from the hours 11:00 to 13:00.

18) In the event of disputes or disagreements between the Parties, also regarding the interpretation or application of the lease contract, each interested Party must contact the competent Territorial Association adhering to Confedilizia to attempt an amicable settlement before appealing to the Judicial Authority.

19) For any dispute regarding the execution of the lease contract, the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Rome is agreed between the parties.

20) The Landlord has the right to visit the property during the day, subject to congruous prior notice to the Tenant.

21) The parties mutually acknowledge that, for what not provided, this contract is exclusively governed by the rules of articles 1571 and following of the Civil Code, by art. 4 of the DL 50/2017 converted with Law n. 96/2017, by the art. 1 paragraph 2 letter C) of the law dated 9 December 1998 n. 431, as well as by the art. 53 of the Tourism Code, Legislative Decree 79/2011, since it is a lease stipulated to satisfy housing needs having tourist purpose.

22) Any change to this contract cannot take place, and cannot be proven, except by written deed.

23) The Landlord and the Tenant mutually authorize each other to communicate their personal data to third parties in relation to obligations connected with the rental relationship (Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196).

24) The Tenant agrees to communicate, upon check-in, his/her personal data and the personal data of his/her Companions occupying the real estate unit/s, for the purpose of the mandatory online communication of presences to the service “Alloggiati WEB” as dictated by the set of rules of the  DMI dated 07/01/2013.

25) The real estate unit/s is/are intended for non-smokers.

26) The real estate unit/s is/are suitable for children.

27) No events allowed in the property unit/s.

28) No pets allowed in the property unit/s.

29) At the Tenant’s request:

  • Extra change of towel set at the charge of Euro 3,50 per set
  • Extra change of sheets and pillowcases at the charge of Euro 7,00 per set
  • Tidying up and setting in order during out-of-hours provided by the Landlord at the charge of Euro 20,00 (Twenty/00 Euro) for the single accommodation, or at the charge of Euro 34,00 (Thirty-Four/00 Euro) for the two real estate units simultaneously.

30) At the Tenant’s request, a transfer from/to the airport can be offered through an external company, by car or minivan, with direct payment to the driver, at an average cost of 90 Euros (Ninety- Euros).

31) At the Tenant’s request, an external paid laundry service can be offered for personal clothing with collection at home by noon (12:00h) and delivery of clean laundry within 24 hours from collection.